At Telenet, you can make your mark and seize your opportunity. We are here for you, and for each other. 

What we stand for and go for

Making lives better, more enjoyable, richer

Our technology helps families and businesses pursue their goals. With our tech, and especially with our team, we make the world a little better. For the young person who gets more pleasure out of her schoolwork. For the elderly person who is able to keep in touch with the community. For the entrepreneur who makes her business grow. For all those who, thanks to technology, live healthier lives or enjoy well-deserved relaxation. We take pride in that.

De Telenet vibe

Our enthusiasm is contagious, and our eagerness to take on challenges is boundless. Sometimes we outrun ourselves, but that's all right. Because we're there for each other. At Telenet you'll find yourself surrounded by friendly faces, and we know how to have fun. Why else the big wink in our logo? 

Seize opportunities? We sure can

At Telenet, we don't just go with the flow: we initiate change and seize the opportunities it creates. Does that mean we always head straight for our goal? Not necessarily. It's okay to make detours, retrace your steps or consider what your next move will be. In fact, we help you with that.

Employer Brand Manifesto

At Telenet we get things moving – for you, for each other. We even improve the world, if possible. How? Because our 3,500 outstanding employees work as a team. That collaboration deserves to be showcased. Right here! So this is what it's like to work at Telenet...

Finding out who you are. And being exactly who you're meant to be.

We put people first and provide an inclusive work environment that meets the widest range of needs – including yours. We're flexible, because we have full confidence in you and want you to feel happy working with us.