
With Telenet, your privacy is secure!

Our promises

Your personal data belongs to you, and you don't share it with just anyone. At Telenet we feel the same. If you choose to share your data with us, we promise to handle it with care and responsibility. 

You are in charge

Your data belongs to you. What we do with it commercially is up to you. The better we know you, the better we can provide a Telenet experience that truly suits you.

No secrets

Telenet speaks plain language. What do we do with your data? Why do we do it? How long do we keep everything? And with whom do we share what? At Telenet, we have no secrets.

Your data is secure

Whether it concerns your address, telephone number or viewing habits: your data is secure. When we use your data we always abide by the privacy laws.

Well, that depends on which services you have from Telenet. At Telenet we distinguish four types of data: 


User data: This is your personal data, independent of your products or services. This includes your name, address, contact details etc.


Transaction data: This is data associated with your use of Telenet services, such as location data, viewing habits etc. 


Derived data: This is data we derive from your user data and your transaction data. We use this for purposes such as compiling individual customer profiles. 


Sensitive data: Certain personal data are of a more sensitive nature and are especially protected by privacy laws, such as data concerning your health. As a rule, Telenet does not collect or use this type of data. An example of an exception is a certificate of disability when you apply for a social rate.


Would you like to read more about what data we process? Then please read our privacy policy, chapter 3a.

Most of this data is necessary. It is needed to deliver or install your products, for the use of the Telenet offering or to be able to send you a bill.


Sometimes Telenet is also legally obliged to keep certain information – of course, always with full respect for your privacy. 


There is also our legitimate interest. In this case, it is necessary to process personal data in order to protect our interests. For example, to protect our networks and infrastructure we monitor traffic on our networks. It may also be necessary to process personal data in order to improve our products and services.    


Finally, we also use your data for commercial purposes, to send you advertisements about our products, for example. You determine which of your data we are allowed to use for this purpose yourself, via your privacy settings. If you prefer not to receive any advertising at all, choose full opt-out via your privacy rights.


You can find all the details on why we process your data in our privacy policy, chapter 3c.

All natural persons (not companies) who use our products and services. 


Specifically, it applies to our customers, former customers and future customers, as well as employees who use Telenet services through their employer, contact people at our suppliers and partners, visitors to our retail locations and company buildings, visitors to our websites, users of our apps, participants in competitions/events/promotions etc.


Please note! Safespot, TADAAM and BASE have their own privacy policies. For other products, such as Nuki and Ring, Telenet is only a reseller. They too have their own privacy policies:


Privacy policy Safespot

Privacy policy TADAAM

Privacy policy BASE

All about your privacy at Telenet

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Privacy settings

How may we use your data? You choose. You can do this through your privacy settings. There are four levels: from general to unique.



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Privacy rights

Your privacy rights give you greater insight into and control over your data that we process.




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Privacy breaches

Has something gone wrong with your data? Then you can report a breach of privacy quickly and easily.




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Sharing data

Sometimes it is necessary for us to share your data. For example, with external suppliers who work on our behalf, because we are legally obliged to do so or because you gave your permission.


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Thanks to cookies, we know who you are when you visit our website. That makes using our site very convenient. What information you share with us is up to you!




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Contact us

If you still have questions about your privacy after reading this page and the privacy policy, you can ask the Telenet Privacy Team.

Do you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by Telenet, or do you want to start a mediation procedure? Visit the website of the Belgian Data Protection Authority DPA.

Our privacy policy

This was the summary of our privacy policy. Do you want to read everything in detail? Then download our full privacy policy.