
Privacy settings

Telenet also uses your data for commercial purposes. Through your privacy settings, you choose what Telenet may do with your data. So you decide which data we may use for commercial purposes. 


There are four privacy levels with different degrees of data usage.

At this level you see only general advertisements, like everyone else. Not until the ‘Targeted’ level do we begin with personalized advertisements, nor do we create a commercial profile of you or include you in commercial analyses.


As far as your user data is concerned, we only use data such as your name, address, email address, language selection, gender (to choose the correct title when addressing you) and product portfolio. We don't use your transaction data (such as the programmes you watch) for commercial purposes.

You get... 

  • general information about your Telenet products and services and how you can get the most out of them.
  • general commercial communication that is sent to everyone.
  • if you have a TV product, you get tips via your digibox/digicorder for series or films that are included in your package, based on your viewing habits. If you would rather not see these, you can switch this off in the settings of your digicorder/digibox (Dutch). 


You miss...

  • personalized commercial communication about Telenet products and services.
  • personalized advertisements on TV (if you have a TV product). You only see the standard advertisements on TV, like everyone else.

If you don't want to get any advertising at all, choose full opt-out. You can read how to do this below.

At this level, you get personalized advertisements for Telenet products. We use your user data and transaction data to build a commercial profile and include the data in commercial analyses. This is the default privacy setting.

You get...

  • general information about your Telenet products and services and how you can get the most out of them.
  • personalized commercial communication about Telenet offerings.
  • if you have a TV product, you get tips via your digibox/digicorder for series or films that are included in your package, based on your viewing habits. If you would rather not see these, you can switch this off in the settings of your digicorder/digibox (Dutch).

You miss...

  • personalized advertisements on TV (if you have a TV product). You only see the standard advertisements on TV, like everyone else

At this level, it's all about your TV experience. So, this only applies if you have a TV product.


You not only get everything from the ‘Targeted’ privacy level but also TV advertisements selected to match your interests. We do this without sharing any data with advertisers; they inform us what they want to show to which profiles. We ensure that you see the correct advertisement. 


You get...

  • general information about your Telenet products and services and how you can get the most out of them.
  • personalized commercial communication about Telenet products and services.
  • If you have a TV product, you get tips via your digibox/digicorder for series or films that are included in your package, based on your viewing habits. If you would rather not see these, you can switch this off in the settings of your digicorder/digibox (Dutch).
  • personalized advertisements on TV (if you have a TV product), to match your preferences and interests, based on your viewing habits. 


You miss...

  • commercial information based on your browsing habits.

You choose a fully personalized experience. We supplement the ‘Personal’ level with details about your browsing habits to make our advertisements even more personalized.


Please understand: when we say ‘browsing habits’ we mean the sites you visit, not the content of your communications. This means we don't see which videos or articles you open on a particular website.


You get...

  • general information about your Telenet products and services and how you can get the most out of them.
  • personalized commercial communication about the Telenet offerings.
  • If you have a TV product, you get tips via your digibox/digicorder for series or films that are included in your package, based on your viewing and browsing habits. If you would rather not see these, you can switch this off in the settings of your digicorder/digibox (Dutch).
  • personalized advertisements on TV (if you have a TV product), to match your preferences and interests, based on your viewing and browsing habits.

Changing privacy settings

Are you or have you ever been a Telenet customer, and do you have a Telenet account? Then you can check and change your privacy settings via My Telenet, even if you are no longer a customer. 

Don't have a Telenet account? Contact us via our customer service (Dutch) or visit one of our Telenet Shops (Dutch). 

Customers, former customers and even those who have never been customers can choose not to receive advertising from Telenet. This is called full opt-out.

If you choose this option, we will switch you to the ‘General’ privacy level and deactivate all your communication channels. Please note: Telenet can still contact you in connection with the execution of your contract and when we are required to by law.

Customers and former customers can fully opt out via My Telenet (Dutch), by choosing ‘Full opt-out for all commercial communications’. If you are unable to do this via My Telenet, contact our Customer Service or visit one of our Telenet Shops.

If you...

  • no longer want to receive commercial emails, use the unsubscribe option in the email concerned.
  • no longer want to receive commercial text messages, text ‘STOP’ to the number concerned.

Have you never been a customer, but nevertheless get advertisements? This is only possible if you have given your consent in the past. You can unsubscribe via the unsubscribe option in the email, via the customer service or at one of our Telenet Shops


Good to know
There are also lists you can put yourself on if you don't want to receive any letters or phone calls at all, not only from Telenet but also from other companies:

  • If you no longer want to receive commercial phone calls, use the Do Not Call Me list at www.dncm.be.
  • If you no longer want to receive commercial communications via the post, use the Robinson list at www.robinson.be (Dutch).

Yes. We handle everything related to privacy at the user level. This means that if your family has a One Up package with four phone numbers, for instance, you can manage the privacy settings for each mobile number separately

No, only customers and former customers can do this. If you have never been a customer, you can choose full opt-out. It may be that we received your data after you completed a survey or participated in a competition and gave us permission to send you advertisements.

If you prefer to no longer receive any commercial communications from Telenet, the easiest way to unsubscribe is by using the link in the email you received from us. Need help? Contact our Customer Service or drop by one of our Telenet Shops.

We advertise through social media. If you have privacy level 2 ‘Targeted’ or higher, you may see advertisements on your Facebook, Instagram etc. We share information for this purpose, but it is limited to your name, phone number and/or email address. Moreover, we encrypt this information so that the party concerned (e.g. Google, Facebook) cannot see it. 

Telenet makes every effort to ensure that the data we manage is fully protected. This also means that we check with whom we are speaking. This prevents us from giving information to the wrong people or making unwanted changes to a contract.

It also helps prevent identity theft. You can find more information on our website (Dutch).

All about your privacy at Telenet

icon settings bars
Privacy settings

How may we use your data? You choose. You can do this through your privacy settings. There are four levels: from general to unique.



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Privacy rights

Your privacy rights give you greater insight into and control over your data that we process.




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icon broken lock
Privacy breaches

Has something gone wrong with your data? Then you can report a breach of privacy quickly and easily.




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icon cloud data transfer
Sharing data

Sometimes it is necessary for us to share your data. For example, with external suppliers who work on our behalf, because we are legally obliged to do so or because you gave your permission.


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icon 2 cookies overlapping

Thanks to cookies, we know who you are when you visit our website. That makes using our site very convenient. What information you share with us is up to you!




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Contact us

If you still have questions about your privacy after reading this page and the privacy policy, you can ask the Telenet Privacy Team.

Do you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by Telenet, or do you want to start a mediation procedure? Visit the website of the Belgian Data Protection Authority DPA.

Our privacy policy

This was the summary of our privacy policy. Do you want to read everything in detail? Then download our full privacy policy.