
Privacy rights

Your data is and remains yours. Your privacy rights give you greater insight into and control over your data that we process. 

Right of access

You have the right to request access to your personal data. We will then provide you with an overview of the personal data we process about you.


Right to rectification

Is your data incorrect? You can always add to it or correct it. From time to time we also ask you via My Telenet to check whether everything we have is still correct. 

Right to be forgotten

Do you want us to stop keeping your data if it is no longer needed? Please note! It is not always possible to delete all your data. We are required to keep some data for a certain period of time. 

Right to data portability

You have the right to ‘recover’ your personal data, to switch providers more easily for example. 

Right to object

If you do not want Telenet to use your data for anything other than what is necessary or legally required. 

How do you exercise your rights?

If you are or have been a customer and have a My Telenet account, simply fill in the form on My Telenet. You will receive an answer by post or email within 30 days. 

Don't have a My Telenet account? Then stop by one of our Telenet Shops (Dutch).

As long as you are a customer, we need some of your data to ensure the provision of our service. We are obliged to keep certain other data by law.

If you are an existing customer and ask to be forgotten, we will activate the full opt-out. You will be placed in privacy level ‘General’, and we will deactivate your communication channels. We will no longer process your data for commercial purposes.

No. This must be done directly via the White Pages or 1207. You can find the best way to do this here (Dutch). 

Yes, you can. Contact us via this form or visit one of our Telenet Shops (Dutch).

As a telecom provider, we have a lot of data. To prevent you from being overwhelmed, we first send you a standard report with basic data. 


If you want more information or more specific data, make an additional request using the link in the standard report you receive in response to your initial request.

Yes. It is important that we know exactly whom we are helping. This is how we protect your privacy. You identify yourself via My Telenet with your password. If you visit in person, we will ask for your identity card.

If we cannot identify you, we cannot help you. Therefore, we cannot help you exercise your rights by phone.

In addition to the rights listed above, there is also the right to restriction of processing and the right to object to processing of your personal data for purposes other than direct marketing. If you want to exercise these rights, you can send your request to the Data Protection Officer (or DPO) using this form. Please clearly indicate ‘privacy’ in the title.

All about your privacy at Telenet

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Privacy settings

How may we use your data? You choose. You can do this through your privacy settings. There are four levels: from general to unique.



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Privacy rights

Your privacy rights give you greater insight into and control over your data that we process.




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Privacy breaches

Has something gone wrong with your data? Then you can report a breach of privacy quickly and easily.




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Sharing data

Sometimes it is necessary for us to share your data. For example, with external suppliers who work on our behalf, because we are legally obliged to do so or because you gave your permission.


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Thanks to cookies, we know who you are when you visit our website. That makes using our site very convenient. What information you share with us is up to you!




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Contact us

If you still have questions about your privacy after reading this page and the privacy policy, you can ask the Telenet Privacy Team.

Do you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by Telenet, or do you want to start a mediation procedure? Visit the website of the Belgian Data Protection Authority DPA.

Our privacy policy

This was the summary of our privacy policy. Do you want to read everything in detail? Then download our full privacy policy.