
Button component


The Button is used to prompt an immediate response (click). 



Button Types

The Button has 3 different button types:

Type 1: Primary

For the Telenet themes, the yellow filled primary button is used for the most important action(s) on a page. 

Light UI
Dark UI

For the Entertainment themes, the primary button adapts to the respective colour palette. The primary button is used for the most important action(s) on a page. 

Streamz UI
Play Sports UI
Play More UI

Type 2: Secondary

For the Telenet themes, the secondary button has an outline and is used for subordinate actions.

Light UI
Dark UI

For the Entertainment themes, the secondary button has a white transparancy so it can adapt to the respective background colour of the theme. The secondary button is used for subordinate actions.

Streamz UI
Play Sports UI
Play More UI

Type 3: Tertiary

Tertiary buttons are usually used for miscellaneous actions: the action is important, but may not be what the user is looking to do right then.

Light UI
Dark UI
Streamz UI
Play Sports UI
Play More UI

Button alignment

You can align the button left, right or centered. It will auto align on the AEM grid. You can also choose to have it full width. With this the button will span automatically over full grid columns.




Full width