This is the basic part of the typescale. If you want the entire typescale, have a look at our Typography section in the design system.
Example paragraph
This is commonly used in the expressive type theme layouts for long paragraphs with more than four lines. The looser line height and larger size makes for comfortable, long-form reading, in mediums that allow for more space. This size type is rarely used for body copy in components. Always left-align type; never center it.
Be very careful when using large headers on mobile. Often the use of a large size for headings in mobile apps results in the fact that a headline is stretched to 3–4 lines while contains 1 or 2 words per line. Such headers look messy and are hard to read.
Except for Telenet product names like KLIK. These are considered logos, so they don't follow the typography guidelines.
Which colour combinations are possible? Paying attention to the WCAG standards is essential here.