

Pay for mobility easily for mobility thanks to Telenet Pay.

How do I pay for 4411 with Telenet Pay?

Via the app

With the 4411 app, you can pay your parking space quickly from a distance but also buy a bus, tram and train ticket digitally.

Via the browser

You can also do this on my.4411.be in the browser.

SMS parkeren

Start and stop your parking session with a text message and pay via your monthly Telenet bill. 


  1. Parking
    Park anywhere in Belgium via sms to 4411. Please note: the sms service only works in Belgium.
  2. Start
    Send a text with the ticket machine or zone code, space and your vehicle registration number to 4411 to start your session.
  3. Stop
    Text 'Q' to 4411 to stop your street parking session.  

Are you not getting a confirmation SMS? Then you may have disabled it. Check your blocks via My Telenet

A selection of what Telenet Pay has to offer

App store
Google Play Store

Available soon

Telenet Pay is also in My Telenet

Make it even easier on yourself and manage Telenet Pay directly from your My Telenet customer zone.

  • Clear overview of all expenses on your bill and in My Telenet
  • Easily set limits for all your family members with a Telenet SIM card

Have a question? You can find the answer here.

With Telenet Pay, you simply can pay for your digital purchases with your mobile number. From apps and e-tickets, to your streaming subscription. Payment is fast and secure, no credit card required. Because everything simply appears on your next Telenet bill.

All customers with a Telenet mobile number can use Telenet Pay. Do you have a new mobile monthly plan? Then you have to wait 90 days for that number before you can activate Telenet Pay for purchases in the Apple App store and Google Play Store. Getting an extra number? Then contact us to activate Telenet Pay for those purchases. You can use Telenet Pay immediately for other available services.

The range of digital products on offer is huge: from entertainment (e.g. films, music, games) to apps (e.g. sports, photo editing) and practical purchases (e.g. parking, tickets). See the complete list of our partners here.

You can do this through the app store or the online seller's website. More information for each service is available in the overview above.

Your purchases will appear on your next Telenet bill automatically. You can also find an overview of all your purchases under ‘mobile numbers’ in My Telenet.

Log into My Telenet, go to your mobile numbers and set your monthly limit. You can set a limit for each mobile number.

The maximum for each purchase is €50, for a total of up to €300 per month.

You can do this through the website of the service itself or through the app store where you made your purchase. You can block all you services at once via My Telenet, but it doesn't let you block individual services or products.


App Store (iOS) 

  • Open your settings
  • Tap your name with Apple ID 
  • Now tap ‘Payment and shipping’ 
  • Tap ‘Edit’ and then ‘mobile phone’ 
  • Then tap ‘Delete’


Google Play Store (Android)

  • Open the Google Play Store app 
  • Tap the menu at the top left 
  • Select ‘Payment methods’ and then ‘More payment settings’ 
  • Log in if you are asked to
  • Tap below the payment method you want to delete, and then tap ‘Delete’ again


For other partners: go to settings and change your payment settings .

Yes, you can also use Telenet Pay, and. All of your purchases will appear on your Telenet Business invoice.

At Telenet we work with reliable partners, so we can guarantee smooth and secure payment. This way, you no longer have to share your payment details online. All your purchases appear clearly on your bill.