

The AEM Design Library is created to provide an overview of the templates and components that can be used to create Telenet & BASE websites. Contents on this page:


General components

Display a series of content items that a user can collapse/expand.
Authorable Notification
This component is used to display information banners on a page.
A visual label or indicator used to convey status or highlight content.
A button is used to prompt an immediate response (click). There are different button modes available, as wel as button ID analytics.
A slideshow component for cycling through images and videos.
The contact component allows you to implement a contact container with a fixed title component and a layout container below.
Contact Touchpoint
An overview block presenting the different contact options to the customer.
Content Overview
The content overview component is a collection of cards that contain content and actions about a single subject.
Dashboard Card
The dashboard card component allows you to create a card for an underlying webpage.
Hero Banner
The main banner placed on top of a page with the purpose of enticing visitors.
The image component allows you to embed images on the page. Various formatting options are available.
This is a more efficient option to embed the three components at once.
In Page Banner
This is a visual element that is placed into the content area of a page.
In-page Navigation
This helps users scan the content and guides them to the section they need.
Intent Finder
This guides the client in a conversational way to the goal of his search.
Marketing card
The Marketing card component allows you to create a card on the page.
The multisolution allows you to create a tab kind of structure using blocks.
Navigation Bar
Navigation bars offer a way to switch between primary destinations.
Navigation List & Content
The navigation list component will take the author defined properties and displays them as navigation items.
Off Grid Image
This allows you to embed images that are wider than the 12 page columns.
This component shows the price of a product in a visual or textual way.
Product Summary
This consists of a title, a layout container and an optional button and pricing.
Quotes are used to display a quotation.
Related Links
This is used below the body of the topic to add quick links to related pages.
The separator component allows you to add a devider on the page to separate content.
Social Media
The social media component allows you to configure the icons and links to social media websites.
Table and Table row
The table and table row component enables you to add a responsive table with different rows and columns on a page.
The text component allows the display of a rich text paragraph on the page. Various formatting options are available.
The title component is intended to be used as the title or heading of a section of content. Various formatting options are available.
The video component allows you to embed a video on a page.

Form fields

Address Field
The address field let you collect all the parts of an address in a single field. They also validate that the user has used a correct address format.
Attachment Field
An attachment field is a type of field that allows the visitors to attach their own files to your form.
Allow a user to select one or more options from a finite number of choices.
Date Field
The date field lets people enter a date in the proper date format, or choose a date via a date picker calendar.
Dropdown Field
Dropdown is a closed-ended field type where visitors can select only one answer from a menu of choices.
Email Field
An email field is used to collect valid email addresses. The email address will require a ‘@’ and ‘.’ from the user before the form can be submitted.
Phone Field
A phone field is used to collect valid phone numbers.
Radio Button
Radio buttons are input elements that allow users to select a single option from a set of mutually exclusive choices.
SIM Field
An SIM field is used to collect valid SIM number.
Text Field
The text field is a generic field in your form.

AEM structures

These components are specifically used to create lay-outs and structure in the page.


Templates are used to develop webpages in a consistent manner. Different types of templates are available, each focusing on the specific purpose of that webpage.